By purchasing and/or attending any event, attendant agrees and acknowledges:
Attendant herby waives any and all claims against Studio DIY, its employees, partners, sponsors and instructors for damage, injury or loss to person or property arising out of, or in connection with the event and shall indemnify and hold harmless Studio DIY, its employees, partners, sponsors and instructors from and against any injury, loss, damage or expense (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees) to persons or property arising out of, or in connection with entry to event premises.
Attendant is at least eighteen (18) years of age before the date of the event.
Attendant may be photographed while on event premises and that Studio DIY, its employees, partners, sponsors and instructors reserve the right to use photographs for instructional and promotional purposes.
Tickets are final sale. There are no refunds, transfers or exchanges.